Engineering Analysis
Results, methods, experience, engineering judgment, Nuclear Power, Refineries
Engineering analysis has been at the core of the BerDiz Consulting AB operations since the beginning in 2004. Our main area of work has been within the sector of Nuclear Power but over time it has grown to include Refineries, Gas Turbines, Trucks and Agriculture.
We focus on results and to increase understanding for our customers using our experience in the various fields. The main topics of engineering analysis in which BerDiz Consuting AB has extensive experience are covered below.
Structural Verification (Mechanical Analysis)
The verification of a structure to various mechanical loads usually postulated as design load basis. BerDiz Consulting AB has a vast experience in his area from the nuclear industry in which large piping systems need to be analyzed and verified to maintain their structural integrity when subjected to loads such as pressure, weight, thermal expansion and pressure transients (water or steam hammers). These analyses often include the verification of components such as valves, flanges and supports connected to the piping system and requires the engineer to have a deep understanding of the principles of mechanical physics such as mechanical stress, stability, plasticity, creep with material behavior and properties.
Depending on complexity we offer a wide range of analysis procedures and methods to fit the customers need. The main input required to perform these types of analyses are the loads on the system/components and the requirements that need to be fulfilled during these loadings.

FEM (Finite Element Method)
A more complex tool in which the physics of the system can be modelled and captured to an accurate degree for more exact solutions and detailed calculation. BerDiz Consulting AB has many years of experience using software created to perform these types of analyses, such as ANSYS or ABAQUS which are very generic and can be applied to solve vast amounts of problems within the engineering field. Other software’s included in our expertise are NASTRAN, Hypermesh and ANSA.
Specialized software
BerDiz Consulting AB also has much experience with more specialized software that are designed to analyze more specific areas such as piping systems or beam structures.
Hand Book Calculations
Straight forward calculations using formulas and experience to solve problems. Due to long working experience in the field of engineering BerDiz Consulting AB can utilize this extensive knowledge to identifying points of interest and reduce the analysis to critical points and thereby considerably lower the analysis cost for customers.
Structural integrity, load, requirements, piping analysis, pipe supports, stability, stress analysis, plasticity, metal creep, multiaxial stess, FEM, FE-analysis, static analysis, dynamic analysis, valves, flanges, piping components
Fatigue Analysis
The effects of Fatigue are present in almost every field of mechanical engineering, but are not always significant. Fatigue damage is the result of some form of cyclic loading. Common phenomena giving rise to fatigue damage are temperature changes or vibrations. One normally differentiates between low cycle fatigue and high cycle fatigue. Fatigue analysis can be complicated and often requires detailed information about stress distribution and number of cycles.

Low Cycle Fatigue
The loading per cycle is high and can even cause plastic deformations in the structure. This can lead to a progressive plastic deformation that grows with every cycle and eventually leads to cracking or a break. This is referred to as ratcheting. Typical loads that cause such behavior is thermal transients which instigates uneven thermal expansions that produces high local stresses.
High Cycle Fatigue
This is cased by smaller loadings which causes stresses far from the yield limit of the material, but can over time cause damage non the less. This is the typical case for systems with high vibrations from either the fluid behavior (such as cavitation or pressure variations) or structural resonance with pump frequencies or connected equipment.
Low cycle fatigue, thermal transients, ratcheting, shakedown, progressive plastic deformation, high cycle fatigue, vibrations, vibrational velocity, risk assessment, flow induced vibrations, eigenmodes, frequencies
Earthquake analysis
Earthquake analysis consists of evaluating the loads on a component due to the input ground motion. This is a multistep process where the amplification throughout the structure and connected system needs to be carefully considered. The input to this type of analysis is usually the GMRS (Ground Motion Response Spectra) which details the response acceleration at different frequencies at the ground level.
The ground motion response spectra could also be used to construct synthetic time history loads which when used for analysis provides less conservative results but are far more time consuming.

Seismic Fragility analysis
This method is used to evaluate the fragility of a component to earthquake loads. Seismic Fragility Analysis is a statistical approach used to estimate the probability of failure of a component given a ground motion response spectrum at a specific rate of occurrence. This is a valuable tool when there are existing design analyses that can be utilized to calculate the probability of failure for events beyond design.
SQUG and Walk-Down
BerDiz Consulting AB has certified engineers within the SQUG methodology. The SQUG methodology is a simplified way of determine the ruggedness of structures to seismic loadings. SQUG does not require in depth analytical calculation and is therefore much less time consuming. This requires access to the facility and Walk-downs can the be performed to evaluate conditions at the specific site.
Response spectrum, time history analysis, synthetic time history, concrete, structure – structure interactions, SQUG, Walk-down, fragility analysis
Civil Engineering and Structures
The analysis of structures and buildings due to mechanical loadings. When related to buildings this often include the evaluation of environmental loads such as snow and wind, but can also include calculating the amplification of and earthquake spectra which then can be used to evaluate components at specific positions in the structure.

Concrete, beam structures, structure – structure interactions, wind load, snow load, seismic amplification